About Me

My name is Tashina Burton and it all started about fall of last year. I was thinking about things I loved to do and what I wanted to share with others. I got the idea after leaving the farmers market in Rexburg. I saw all of these girls being so creative with crafts and thought, hey I could do that. So I started this adventure, I grabbed one of my husbands old ties, with his permission , and went to town on it. I turned it into a headband, then a wrist band. All of this got put on hold after I found a sales job in town which paid me really well. Although I loved that experience I yearned to do something on my own. Be my own boss and become successful with my own ideas. So after leaving my sales job my quest became even stronger. More ideas came to me and I got really excited. I also started to design more things like handbags and baby bandannas. Which I will be showcasing soon. My first appearance will be at a craft show in St. Anthony but will soon be in the farmers market in July and August. I hope to see you there.

Vintage Headband Ties

Vintage Headband Ties